Author: Admin-DOJ

Journal of Professional Development (JPD)

Aims and scope The Journal of Professional Development (JPD) provides a platform for researchers, academics, consultants, lecturers, teachers, theorists, and practitioners to share their knowledge, insights and understanding of professional development. We publish articles on all aspects of the theory, research and practice of professional development. However, this excludes new research. The journal will also publish keynote papers, conference reports […]

The Ecological Citizen

Online ISSN 2515-1967 The Ecological Citizen is an independent, peer-reviewed, free-to-access journal that provides a forum for inspiring and mobilizing discussion with an Earth-centred perspective. Standard issues are published twice a year, and special supplements are also published from time to time.

Journal of Ecopsychology

Focus and scope The Journal of Ecosychology seeks articles with a focus on theory, research and practice of ecopsychology. This includes papers on the human-nature relationship, Biophilia hypothesis, Biophilic building and office design, Biophilic Cities, climate coaching, nature powered coaching, ecowellbeing, ecohealth, climate crisis, shinrin yoku, green and blue exercise research, and other areas that can be […]

Journal of Environmental Psychology

Journal of Environmental Psychology ISSN: 0272-4944 The Journal of Environmental Psychology is the premier journal in the field, serving individuals in a wide range of disciplines who have an interest in the scientific study of the transactions and interrelationships between people and their surroundings. The journal is published by Elsevier and is affiliated with the Division of […]

European Journal of Ecopsychology (EJE)

European Journal of Ecopsychology (EJE) ISSN: 2054-6017 The European Journal of Ecopsychology (EJE) is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to explore the synthesis of psychological and ecological ideas from a variety of perspectives. We publish theoretical papers, empirical reports, accounts of therapeutic practice, and more personal reflections which offer the reader insight into new and […]


Ecopsychology is the only peer-reviewed journal that places psychology and mental health in an ecological context to recognize the links between human health, culture, and the health of the planet. Published by Mary Ann Liebert Inc.

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